Author: admin


Hi all, I cleaned a bit of the Links page, adding websites for Ben Bloom, Westsound Recording, and Blue Mallard Studios, who I thank for the killer sounds on the most recent Polys 45. I also deleted old links and updated the link to Ethan Iverson’s blog, which I have rediscovered recently and am once […]


  I recently had the opportunity to watch Jaco, a 2015 documentary about Jaco Pastorius, and I cannot recommend it enough. I remember the summer after I graduated high school I was working at my dad’s law firm, like I always did in the summers, and one of my coworkers, a bass player, introduced me […]


The Polyrhythmics tour to New Orleans and the Southeast, from Kentucky (or, as some call it, Kenpucky,) to Florida to North Carolina and beyond went relatively smoothly, with many new areas visited from both the band perspective and a personal perspective.  I enjoyed the cultures and people in the South so very much, and loved […]

More Focused Listening

When David Bowie passed away, I was motivated to listen to more of his music, as I had really only heard his big hits previously.  As I have occasionally done with other artists in the past, I decided to start with his early albums and move through them chronologically (I wrote about this approach previously […]


Thanks for another awesome photo, Chris Davis!   Hi all, It may be a little late for a New Year’s post, but here are some things happening for me now and things I’m looking forward to this year. The Unsinkable Heavies continue to play every 3rd Wednesday at the Seamonster, and we have had a […]

Library Music Finds

I’m going through another heavy library-listening phase, checking out CDs by the armful!  Here are some things I’ve been checking  out: Grant Green, Idle Moments – The more I listen to Grant Green, the more I like his playing, specifically the thematic way in which he improvises.  Although it is sometimes repetitive, I think that […]


I’ve been able to put in some significant practice time recently, which has felt great!  Here’s what I’ve been working on: This was a track I heard in the Polyrhythmics van; Ben had recently came upon a Grant Green boxed set, and although it’s off of a Lou Donaldson album, Green’s solo really intrigued me […]


July and the beginning of August has been some of the busiest times for me in recent memory!  Here’s what I’ve been up to:   – I went to Chicago to see my sister graduate and become a doctor in Psychology, very exciting!  Over the 4 years that she lived there I visited several times, […]