Summer Wrap-up

Well, Summer is coming to a close, and it’s been a while since I’ve written here, so I thought I would try to bring the season to a conclusion by looking back on what’s been happening.

I’ve been lucky.  Just looking at the photos that were taken over the season bring me back to many great memories that I will always have, whether it was playing music or seeing music, hanging out with friends, being with Brittany, or spending time with family, camping or biking or kite-flying or anything else that I did and I’m sure a lot of you out there did too!

One of the reasons it’s so wonderful to have clearly defined Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter is that it gives you that clear start to another handful of months and a chance to look back on the previous ones, and really think about where you’ve been and where you’re going, mostly in the short-term (I don’t really consider myself a long-term thinker right now).  You can relish the good things that went on and make some changes to things that didn’t go so well.

Sometimes you don’t change much.  In fact, most of the time this process just reiterates what I already know, but that’s fine, and I feel as though that review process is really important for me to keep doing what I need to do to be happy.

So what’s next this Winter?  I hope to devote more energy to three bands:  Hardcoretet, Theoretics, and the Polyrhythmics, and stay close with the people that are important to me and support my endeavors.  I hope to be involved in Seattle music while also being a good friend and person to the folks who are important to me.  I also hope I can continue to enjoy and take advantage of living here in the Northwest, even if the sun isn’t out.

And…I hope to put in more time at home with that piece of metal I put around my neck a couple of times a week  🙂
